Wednesday 21 November 2012

Week 7
Hi Everyone!
Only a few more weeks to go and the year will be over! We can't believe how quickly it has gone. We have now finished all our testing and are in the midst of writing reports. It has been really great to have the opportunity to reflect and see how far every single child has come.
As you know we are having a class party on the last day of term and going on our excursion on the last Thursday of term. We are looking forward to having fun with the kids during this time.
At last weeks' assembly the Terrific Kids were announced, we are pleased to say that Lina won this out of all the year 2 kids in the school. Well done, we are really proud of you Lina!!!

Well Done our Terrific Kid!!

Well done to the following students who recieved a certificate at last weeks assembly for being great at following instructions!!

Sunday 28 October 2012

Term 4

Hi Everyone,
Seems like ages since our last blog! We have been so busy it has been difficult to find the time!
The term has gotten off to a nice start, it is great being back in our own classroom again. This term we are looking at the history of Australia and the kids have been really interested. We had Trent Hill come out to teach us some Aboriginal history which was excellent. The kids were blown away when he was able to start a fire with two dry sticks!!

Last week the Year 3 kids went to swimming lessons. Luckily the weather was pretty good but the kids were certainly tired by the end of the week.

Over the next couple of weeks we will be doing alot of testing to see how the kids have progresed, as well as to help us with report writing.
Over the next few weeks we will also be looking at classes for next year. Thank you to those parents who have passed on information to us. Please be assured that we always do our best to place your children where they are best suited.
We are looking forward to the fete on Saturday and would like to thank those parents who have offered to make cupcakes or help at the stall. This money goes towards different projects around the school.
We hope to see you all there!

Thursday 13 September 2012

Wow!! Our class performed The Gruffalo play today and they did an awesome job!! Here are some of our photos. I did manage to video the play but am still working on uploading it..... !
Well done to our characters who all did a great job!

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Nearly Holidays

Hi Everyone,
Wow, there has been so much going on over the last few weeks. We have been working really hard on developing our students' handwriting and they are doing really well. In the new Australian Curriculum the expectation is that Year 3 students need to be using cursive in their writing. Some of the kids found it really difficult to begin with but we are amazed at how well they are doing. If your child is a little anxious about this please just reassure them that they just need to keep practicing!!

We have also been working really hard on The Gruffalo. We read the book, did some comprehension activities, rewrote the story as a play and then rewrote the story from the viewpoint of another character. We have been practicing our play and the kids are really looking forward to performing it at tomorrow's assembly. Hope to see you all there!!

The kids really enjoyed their visit to the Tea Tree Gully Library in Bookweek where they listened to stories and did some craft.

Can't wait to put up some Gruffalo photos soon!!!

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Hi Everyone, Sorry it has been a couple of weeks since we have posted but we have been extremely busy!! As you know we have had to relocate to Rm 3 and we are not really sure how long we will be there. It could be until the end of the term. Thank you so much to those parents who hung around on Monday morning and helped us shift. It made things much easier.

We have been using a website called Class Dojo which helps us to track the kids behavior and learning. While this is something we are using in class, we did give the kids their 'secret code' which enables them to go online and check their progress. This is not something they have to do but as many of them did want to check it out we gave the code to all of them.

This week is Book Week and we have been to the library for a quiz as well as taken part in a variety of  book activities. The kids have really enjoyed this. Due to this we haven't run our normal literacy activities but will be back to it next week. We also visited the Tea Tree Gully library which the kids enjoyed and we appreciated all the parent helpers we had. It turned out to be a wet day so lucky we didn't walk!

Just an advance notice that I will be on long service leave in week ten of this term. Aleysha Turner will be in to work with Lisa.

Well look forward to hearing from you all...... Been a bit quiet ....... :)

Monday 6 August 2012

Week 4

Hi Everyone,

Sorry we havent added anything for a couple of weeks, we have been so busy!
The kids are really enjoying our work on the Olympics and we are all learning alot. The kids have made torches and olive wreaths as well as sharing some great information.
Over the last couple of weeks we have had a lot of sickness, for example yesterday we had 12 kids away!
Lisa has lost her voice so wont be in for the rest of the week and we are hoping to have Mr V come in to work with us.
I will be out of the classroom on Wednesday due to a prearranged appointment and on Friday all junior primary teachers will be out at a conference. We apologise for the messy week, we are looking forward to getting back to a normal week too.

Well Done to Mia and Kayne for receiving this weeks Principal's Award!

Sunday 15 July 2012

Hi Everyone, we would like to welcome you all back to Term 3! We are looking forward to catching up with everyone and working hard this term.
Today was the start of our work on the Olympics and we had some excellent public speaking. Holly bought along some props to show the class how high the hurdles are in the Olympics, which was really interesting.
We looked at the history of the Olympic Games... so be prepared for some discussion from your children!
In math we started our work on measurement, in particular length, and we will be involving the children in lots of hands on activities.

Well, speak to you all soon.......

Thursday 28 June 2012


Hi Again!
Just a reminder that it is really important that the kids continue to work on Reading Eggs and Mathletics during the holidays. This will help them stay on track for next term, as well as give them a bit of routine during the holidays!
Have a lovely break everyone!

Sunday 24 June 2012

Well Done to these students who received an assembly award this week. Great job Marinder, Troy, Kee and Laila!

Thursday 21 June 2012

Casual Clothes Day

Today was Casual Clothes Day! The kids were very excited (as you can see from the photo) !!

Here is our first couple of Public Speaking Topics for next term.
Choose an Olympic sport. Tell us about it. Bring a picture to share.

Choose a city where the Olympics have been held before the year 2000. Tell us five facts about the city. Bring us a picture of a famous landmark in that city

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Week 9

Well..... Here we are in week 9 already! Time has gone so quickly.
We would like to say a big thank you to all our parents who have been helping us during our literacy block. We really appreciate it! Bec Miller, Sue Gosden, Julie Hodge, Annie Storoschuk, Tammy O'Rourke, Leanne Kean, Rebecca Wythe, and Jo Downs, you are awesome!
As you will all know this Friday is casual clothes day. the kids need to bring a gold coin donation and need to wear appropriate footwear for outside.
Next Friday is our celebration day and we are looking forward to reflecting on the term and enjoying some social skills games with the kids. The kids think it is hilarious that we are coming in our pajamas too!! Thanks to those who have paid their $3.
I will post our Term 3 overview as well as our new Sharing Roster over the next couple of days.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Hi Everyone, we have had a busy week so far...... This week we have had lots of kids away with colds and gastro type bugs. We have been reminding them to use the Germ Buster to stop the spread of germs.
Over the next couple of weeks we will be spending lots of time planning for next term. We will be starting the term with some work on the Olympic Games and then we are working on a science topic where we will be investigating solids, liquids and gases. This will involve a great deal of 'hands on' activities which we know the kids really enjoy.
As you know, next Monday is a pupil free day, where we will be working on planning for mathematics. We are working within a new curriculum this year so are looking forward to really becoming more familiar with it.
We are also in the planning phase of a celebration day at the end of term and will send details out about this soon.
We have really appreciated everyone taking the time to check out our blog, and those who have made a google account so they are able to make comments as well. Parent feedback is really important to us as we don't get to see everyone regularly and it gives us that extra opportunity to communicate with you in an informal way.
See you all soon!

Monday 4 June 2012

Assembly Awards

At last weeks assembly these people received an award for being confident. Well Done guys!

Great job Angus, Katey, Connor and Max.

This week we have started our new topic for Public Speaking. We have been impressed by the organisation skills the kids have demonstrated. They are speaking more clearly and confidently.
Caleb made a presentation about porpoises.

Matthew shared what he found out about mussels.

Navi had recorded a lot of information about seals.

Sunday 3 June 2012

Our French Lesson

Hi Everyone, today Mrs Bradshaw was doing planning in the office and Mr R came to work in our class. Among other things Mr R is a French teacher. This afternoon he worked with the kids teaching them to count to ten in French! The kids really enjoyed this.

As you know the next two weeks are going to be short weeks due to the public holiday next Monday and the Pupil Free Day the following week. This Wednesday I will be attending a Literacy Conference. Melissa Thomas will be coming in to work with Lisa and the day will run as normal.
On Monday mornings I am out on the crossing and Lisa is part of a committee meeting that meets each Monday morning. This morning we were held up as this meeting hadn't finished, and we thank you for your patience with this.
Well, that is all the news for the moment!

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Our fitness today.

Hi Everyone, the students were all very excited about having their photos done today! In the interest of not messing up our hair we went for a walk for fitness. At least once a week we do go for a walk to Gifford Reserve and have a look at what is going on over there. Today we noticed it was quite messy with rubbish that had blown over from the school. The kids did a great job cleaning up the rubbish that was safe to collect. We are proud of the way they look after our environment.
Ps just a reminder school photos will be happening tomorrow the 31st of May. Students need to bring their money in their envelope.
Thanks, Rachael

Tuesday 29 May 2012


Welcome to our new blog! We are really excited to be able to use this blog to pass on information about what is going on in our classroom. In the past we have written newsletters but we are hoping this will be a more convenient way of keeping in contact with you all! We will also try to share successes, photos and celebrations with you. As part of this blog you are able to add comments that the students would find helpful, or you may like to ask general questions. This is not a place to ask specific questions about your child, bring up sensitive issues or problems as this blog can be seen by all parents. We want it to be about sharing and celebrating in all things to do with our class.
Over the last couple of weeks, as part of our Sea Theme, we have asked students to build a 3D Model of something to do with the Sea. The aim of this task is specifically about giving students the opportunity to give an oral presentation to the class where they need to explain the process they undertook. It also gives them the opportunity to ask, and respond to, questions from their peers. We have been truly amazed at the variety and the creative models students came up with. (see below for an example of some of the models produced).
Due to the wet and cold weather over the last week or two we have missed out on some of our fitness sessions and have been doing ‘indoor fitness’. The students have coped quite well with being locked inside for the whole day…. !

Well, that is about all there is to share at the moment but don’t forget to check this page for more upcoming news!