Wednesday 21 November 2012

Week 7
Hi Everyone!
Only a few more weeks to go and the year will be over! We can't believe how quickly it has gone. We have now finished all our testing and are in the midst of writing reports. It has been really great to have the opportunity to reflect and see how far every single child has come.
As you know we are having a class party on the last day of term and going on our excursion on the last Thursday of term. We are looking forward to having fun with the kids during this time.
At last weeks' assembly the Terrific Kids were announced, we are pleased to say that Lina won this out of all the year 2 kids in the school. Well done, we are really proud of you Lina!!!

Well Done our Terrific Kid!!

Well done to the following students who recieved a certificate at last weeks assembly for being great at following instructions!!