Thursday 13 September 2012

Wow!! Our class performed The Gruffalo play today and they did an awesome job!! Here are some of our photos. I did manage to video the play but am still working on uploading it..... !
Well done to our characters who all did a great job!

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Nearly Holidays

Hi Everyone,
Wow, there has been so much going on over the last few weeks. We have been working really hard on developing our students' handwriting and they are doing really well. In the new Australian Curriculum the expectation is that Year 3 students need to be using cursive in their writing. Some of the kids found it really difficult to begin with but we are amazed at how well they are doing. If your child is a little anxious about this please just reassure them that they just need to keep practicing!!

We have also been working really hard on The Gruffalo. We read the book, did some comprehension activities, rewrote the story as a play and then rewrote the story from the viewpoint of another character. We have been practicing our play and the kids are really looking forward to performing it at tomorrow's assembly. Hope to see you all there!!

The kids really enjoyed their visit to the Tea Tree Gully Library in Bookweek where they listened to stories and did some craft.

Can't wait to put up some Gruffalo photos soon!!!